Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
the triad mind-body program

This “Life Purpose Exercise” comes from Jack Canfield’s excel-
lent book The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are
to Where You Want to Be. Canfield gives credit for learning this
version of this “Life Purpose Exercise” to Arnold M. Patent, author
of You Can Have it All and The Journey ( I say
“thank you” to both of them. This simple exercise has been a cata-
pult for me in getting on track with my life.
Here’s my “Life’s Purpose Statement,” which I created within
the last three years (I am a late bloomer!):

“I, Kirkham Hamilton, use my energy and honesty to teach
and inspire the people of the world to be confidently healthy, and
to joyfully encourage individuals to follow their life’s passions to
the fullest, while they encourage others to do the same in a spirit
of peace, joy, respect, and cooperation between people, animals,
and the environment.”

It’s an interesting thing how the universe works, always giving
you what you need to take the next step if you are open and receiv-
ing. I was listening to and reading a lot of Jack Canfield’s work, as
his way of presenting material resonated with me. I was in a book-
store looking for something else when Success Principles caught
my eye. I liked Jack Canfield, so I bought the book even though I
wasn’t looking for it. I took it home with the intention of reading
the whole thing—all 473 pages! To make a long story short, I never
got past page twenty-three of the book, where the “Life Purpose
Exercise” was—and I don’t believe I was supposed to. God gave me
that book to get the information on page twenty-three so I could
focus my life more on achieving my dreams.
Several months later, I was in the same bookstore looking for a
Jack Canfield audio CD series I really liked called Maximum Confi-
dence. I couldn’t find it, but right next to where I was looking was
the Marc Allen audio CD set of The Greatest Secret of All. It just
jumped out at me. It looked interesting, and it was only two CDs,
so I knew no matter what I could get through them. Bingo! Those
two CDs by Marc Allen changed my life. They were exactly what I
needed: short, simple, to the point, and practical. I was looking to

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