Tunnel, 2|-inch
Funnel, 5-inch
Funnel, short stem, 2J-inch P. 28, 38
Funnel, separatory, 125 cc. P. 8, 14,
19, 26, 30, 45
Funnel, support
Furnace, gas, P. 10, 11, 20, 22, 59,
66, 72
Gauze, iron wire
Hydrometer, sp. gr. 1.00-1.20 P. 7, 8
Jar, hydrometer, 6-inch, P. 7, 8
Labels, bottle
Marble, glass P. 25, 62
Mortar and pestle, 3 J-inch
Mortar and pestle, 8-inch P. 12, 13
Paper, filter, 5.5-cm.
Paper, filter, 11-cm.
Paper, filter, 24-cm.
Pinchcock, spring E. 2, 3
Pipette, volumetric, 10 cc. E. 6, P. 16
Plate, filter, porcelain, lj-inch
Plate, glass, 8-inch
Plate, iron 2-4 mm. thick P. 13, 48
Plate, porous, 6-inch P. 71
Retort, 350 cc. Pyrex P. 44, 56
Ring, iron, 4-inch
Ring, iron, 6-inch (Note 2)
Ring, wood, 4-inch hole P. 15, 52
Rod, glass, 5 mm.
Shears, 6-inch
Specific gravity apparatus, P. 7, 8
Spatula, glass P. 12
Spatula, stainless iron, 4-inch blade
Spoon, deflagrating IV, VIII
Spoon, iron, 18-inch P. 72
Stirrer, iron (Note 3) P. 59
Stopper, cork, numbers 7, 9,12,15,26
Stopper, rubber, numbers 00 solid,
00 1-hole, 0 solid, 0 1-hole, 1 solid,
1 1-hole, 2 solid, 2 1-hole, 3 solid,
3 1-hole, 3 2-hole, 4 solid, 4 1-hole,
4 2-hole, 5 solid, 5 1-hole, 5 2-hole,
6 solid, 6 1-hole, 6 2-hole, 6|
2-hole, 7 1-hole, 7 2-hole, 8 2-hole
Support, ring stand
"Test tube, 6-inch
Test tube, 6-inch Pyrex E. 2, P. 45
Test tube, 8-inch Pyrex P. 43
Thermometer, 250° P. 1, 45, 52, 54,
55, 56
Thermometer, 360° P. 26
Tongs, crucible
Tongs, furnace P. 10, 11, 20, 22, 59,
66, 72
Towel, cotton
Towel, white paper (Note 4)
Triangle, nichrome wire 2-inch
Tripod, iron, 6-inch
Trough, water
Tubing, glass, 6-7 mm.
Tubing, rubber, T^8 s-inch
Tubing, rubber, f-inch
Tubing, rubber, i-inch medium wall
Tube, combustion E. 4
Tube, Pyrex, f" X 18" P. 26
*Tube, drying, 4-inch
*Tube, thistle
U-tube, 3-inch Chapter III
U-tube, 8-inch P. 8, 14, 17
U-tube, side arm, 4-inch E. 4, P. 8
*Vial, 1 X 3-inch E. 4, Chapter III
*Watch glass, 5-inch
Wire, platinum Q. 23, V, IX, XI
Note 1. Dumas bulb made from a 250 cc. Pyrex flat bottomed flask.
The neck replaced by a 12 mm. tube drawn down to a capillary at the end.
See Figure 13, p. 35.
Note 2. Iron ring, 6-inch, should have an extra long shank to permit its
use to support an 8-inch evaporating dish without tilting the dish. Otherwise
tripods are required.
Note 3. An iron rod \ inch diameter and 24 inches long with a 4-inch
right angle bend at one end.
Note 4. Paper towels are generally used for drying crystals.
Note 5. Made of Pyrex glass with side arms of unequal length.