Higher Engineering Mathematics, Sixth Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Power series methods of solving ordinary differential equations 497

sin(x+ 2 π)≡sinx,sin


3 π


and sin(x+π)≡−sinx,

then y(^5 )=x^4 cosx+ 20 x^3 sinx+ 120 x^2 (−cosx)

  • 240 x(−sinx)+120cosx

i.e. y(5)=(x^4 − 120 x^2 +120)cosx
+(20x^3 − 240 x)sinx

Now try the following exercise

Exercise 194 Further problemson
Leibniz’s theorem
Use the theorem of Leibniz in the following

  1. Obtain then’th derivative of:x^2 y.
    x^2 y(n)+ 2 nxy(n−^1 )+n(n− 1 )y(n−^2 )


  1. Ify=x^3 e^2 xfindy(n)and hencey(^3 ).

y(n)=e^2 x 2 n−^3 { 8 x^3 + 12 nx^2
+n(n− 1 )( 6 x)+n(n− 1 )(n− 2 )}
y(^3 )=e^2 x( 8 x^3 + 36 x^2 + 36 x+ 6 )

  1. Determine the 4th derivative of:y= 2 x^3 e−x.
    [y(^4 )=2e−x(x^3 − 12 x^2 + 36 x− 24 )]

  2. Ify=x^3 cosxdetermine the 5th derivative.
    [y(^5 )=( 60 x−x^3 )sinx+
    ( 15 x^2 − 60 )cosx]

  3. Find an expression fory(^4 )ify=e−tsint.
    [y(^4 )=−4e−tsint]

  4. Ify=x^5 ln2xfindy(^3 ).
    [y(^3 )=x^2 ( 47 +60ln2x)]

  5. Given 2x^2 y′′+xy′+ 3 y=0 show that
    2 x^2 y(n+^2 )+( 4 n+ 1 )xy(n+^1 )+( 2 n^2 −n+
    3 )y(n)=0.

  6. Ify=(x^3 + 2 x^2 )e^2 xdetermine an expansion
    fory(^5 ).
    [y(^5 )=e^2 x 24 ( 2 x^3 + 19 x^2 + 50 x+ 35 )]

52.4 Power series solution by the

Leibniz–Maclaurin method

For second order differential equations that cannot be
solved by algebraic methods, theLeibniz–Maclaurin
methodproduces a solution in the form of infinite
series of powers of the unknown variable. The fol-
lowing simple5-step proceduremaybeusedinthe
Leibniz–Maclaurin method:

(i) Differentiate the given equation n times, using
the Leibniz theorem of equation (13),

(ii) rearrange the result to obtain the recurrence
relation atx=0,

(iii) determine the values of the derivatives atx=0,
i.e. find(y) 0 and(y′) 0 ,

(iv) substitute in the Maclaurin expansion for
y=f(x)(see page 69, equation (5)),

(v) simplify the result where possible and apply
boundary condition (if given).

The Leibniz–Maclaurin method is demonstrated, using
the above procedure, in the followingworked problems.

Problem 5. Determine the power series solution
of the differential equation:
d^2 y



+ 2 y=0 using Leibniz–Maclaurin’s
method, given the boundary conditions that at



Following the above procedure:

(i) The differential equation is rewritten as:
y′′+xy′+ 2 y=0 and from the Leibniz theorem
of equation (13), each term is differentiatedn
times, which gives:

y(n+^2 )+{y(n+^1 )(x)+ny(n)( 1 )+ 0 }+ 2 y(n)= 0

i.e. y(n+^2 )+xy(n+^1 )+(n+ 2 )y(n)= 0


(ii) Atx=0, equation (14) becomes:

y(n+^2 )+(n+ 2 )y(n)= 0

from which, y(n+^2 )=−(n+ 2 )y(n)
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