Body Language Secrets A Guide During Courtship & Dating

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

(^30) BODY LANGUAGE SECRETS Signs Of Interest 31
ever, if a tilted head is not preceded by other signs
of interest, it usually signifies curiosity. A tilted
head during conversation is explained shortly.
TURNS BODY TOWARD YOU The interested per-
son, turns toward you but does not look in your direc-
tion. This is a subconscious sexual display. The
woman shows off her breasts. The man shows off his
chest and shoulders, the source of his physical
power, as well presenting his genitals. Powerfully
reliable when following sustained eye contact and a
bit of preening. Moves Hand To Her Hip Usually
happens after she has turned her body to face you
and the two of you have exchanged signs of interest.
When she puts her hand on her hip, she is saying,
"Well, are you man enough to come over here?" Can
also be the opening move in a carefully orchestrated
game of Rapo. Thrusts Breasts Frills her shoulders
back slightly so that her breasts are more noticeable.
Often precedes or follows hand-to-hip gesture. She's
saying, "Well, what do think of me?" Can also be
beginning of Rapo game.
The interested person's eyes narrow slightly when
looking at you. This sharpens focus and allows them
to examine you carefully. Can happen anytime after
they are done sneaking a peek at you. Reliable only
when associated with other signs of interest. Could
indicate poor vision rather than interest!
Anyone wearing a ring signifying commitment
sometimes will subconsciously pull or twist the ring
if they become interested in you. They are not sig-
naling you. They are making a symbolic attempt to
lay aside the commitment while they court you.
From across the room, any smile is good, a defi-
nite sign of interest. The best smile is not a big,
broad, friendly smile even though that's a great be-
ginning. The smile you want to see is a sensual one.
The person's eyes are narrowed and their mouth is
only slightly open so their teeth are only partially
seen. Hard to miss! Extremely reliable when follow-
ing any other signs of interest.
People in the same emotional place, stand or sit in
about the same posture. When someone changes
posture to match yours, it probably means they are
interested. A posture change usually happens after
several signs of interest have been exchanged, but it
can happen at any time. Reliable only when follow-
ing other signs of interest.
Everyone's eyes sparkle when they are interested
and excited. But, from across the room it is some-
what hard to notice. However, if you force yourself
to focus on the other person's eyes, you can see this
striking change as it takes place, even at a distance.

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