Body Language Secrets A Guide During Courtship & Dating

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

What would be the next thing to do? Would you
stop somewhere, examine a painting, and let her
make the next move? Guess I've answered my own
Steele Sez: You partially answered your own
question. Remember, a young woman is strongly
concerned about the social danger you pose. That is,
she does not want anyone in the room to realize that
she's considering an older lover. The essence is to
communicate with your eyes, as you pass by, that
you are being discreet and will be discreet.
At the party and well afterward, your primary fo-
cus is on reassuring her by your casual, not obvious,
actions that you will not cause her any social prob-
After passing by, make yourself accessible so that
she can approach you when she is able to break out
of that group. She may come over and chat, but
most likely she will move to a location where she
can exchange further non-verbal signals with you in
a way that does not attract attention.
From there, follow the step-by-step instructions
and strictly adhere to the now famous Ten Com-
mandments of Meeting and Eleven Commandments
of Courtship.
This is from a 50 year old who is just getting his
find-meet-talk-date-mate legs under him. It's all
new, exciting and a bit disorienting because as he
told me, 'Tve been doing everything all wrong for
years and years!" Here's what he asked about.
Another good thing your books are doing is in-
creasing my awareness of stuff I never noticed be-
fore. I was in the video store last Monday night and
for the first time I realized the clerk, a woman of 30,
glancing at my crotch. She did it twice quickly. JM,
Body Language Elaboration, 125
Steele Sez: Go back to the store and have some-
thing to talk about such as, "Quentin Tarantino, the
director of Pulp Fiction, used to work in a place like
this. How do you like working here?"
Talk about movies you like. Bid her a fond fare-
well and as you're parting, say, "See you Thursday."
She'll smile and say "Okay," or say, "I don't work
Thursday." You say, "So when do you work?" She'll
tell you. Nod, smile and leave. Do not say that you'll
see her on that day. Then, show up on that day and
rent a movie.
She'll tell you something about herself if you go
first and tell her something about yourself as ex-
plained. At the appropriate moment, introduce your-
self and shake hands with her.
Don't talk to her for more than a few minutes.
You're a busy, important man with places to go and
people to see. Compliment her once during the con-
versation about her accessories, jewelry or attire.
Pay attention and be aggressive with your eyes to
find something you can genuinely say, "That's a
very attractive ring! An heirloom?" The compliment
must be genuine. If you can't find anything to be
genuine about, don't say anything.
Say good bye using her name, "Nice meeting you,
Debbie. See ya."
Dear Don, I have been using your techniques very
successfully, especially Body Language Secrets. I
met a 25 year old French girl, Marie. She is beauti-
ful. I ate dinner with her today and really paid at-
tention to her body language.
She sounded happy the whole time, but at times
her body language would get very closed. Some of it
was when I would talk about subjects that did not
interest her. I found that if I also got closed for a
while and then opened up, she would too. I believe

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