TOEIC Preparation Tests

(Michael S) #1

  1. advanced-59
    TOEIC tests / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 59
    Product Improvement

Q1 Before the product is put on the market, the company must ....... whether it complies with safety standards.
(a) ask (b) calculate (c) ascertain (d) argue
Q2 It is absolutely essential to do some thorough ....... before you even think of putting a new product on the
(a) revision (b) research (c) repeat (d) return
Q3 You have a ....... to the public to ensure your toy products are suitable for children to play with.
(a) responsibility (b) concern (c) attitude (d) behaviour
Q4 The company is busy trying to ....... the problems arising from the sudden drop in sales of their cosmetic
(a) answer (b) solve (c) discover (d) dissolve
Q5 The job of the ....... of this particular section is to train the members to deal politely with any complaints from
the public.
(a) controller (b) organizer (c) supervisor (d) governor
Q6 Inspiration has its place in any form of product development but at the same time you also need to adopt
some kind of ....... approach.
(a) systematic (b) thematic (c) automatic (d) emblematic
Q7 A ....... approach to new ideas is to be welcomed but you do need a strong element of imagination as well.
(a) physical (b) fundamental (c) judgmental (d) logical
Q8 Since 1993 or if you like within the last ......., there have been many products that have failed because of poor
(a) period (b) decade (c) scale (d) time
Q9 We would definitely like to ....... the proposal you have presented to us with a view to including it in our current
range of products.
(a) discover (b) uncover (c) examine (d) reflect
Q10 As we have enough money in our present budget, we are happy to launch this new product in the nature of an
(a) enterprise (b) experiment (c) undertaking (d) exception

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