Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

Christian understanding. When we say, "God is good," we
do not mean that God belongs to a class of "goodness" or
that God conforms to a "standard of goodness." Nor do we
mean that God symbolizes "goodness" or is to be classified,
categorized or characterized within a category of
What do we mean by the term "good" which forms the
object of the statement "God is good"? We can only define
and describe "good" by the character of God if He is the
source and essence of all good. Thus we employed adverbs
to describe good that were but other features of God's
character. God's goodness can only be described by His
Godliness! The Being of God defines good!
There are other definitions and connotations of "good"
in the English language, all of which have a relative
evaluation in relation to something else other than God.
When we assert that "God is good," we do not mean merely
that God is relatively, beneficially, advantageously,
profitably, attractively, effectively, suitably, properly,
favorably, pleasingly, respectably, honorably,
commendably, wholesomely, acceptably, satisfactorily,
morally, ethically good. It is not that "God is good" because
He conforms to a moral standard, because He provides

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