Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

If Jesus Christ had said something like that, it would
certainly legitimize what we see all around us in so-called
"Christian religion" today. "Christian religion" has become
the propagation of various understandings of Jesus'
teaching as determined by various interpretations of the
Bible. From what we observe in "Christian religion" today,
it would appear that most who call themselves "Christians"
must think that Jesus advocated the same thing that Buddha
is alleged to have uttered.
Jesus Christ did not say anything like that! In fact, what
Buddha said is contrary to everything Jesus taught, and
everything recorded in the New Testament Scriptures. Jesus
did not say, "Just remember My teaching." Jesus said, "I
AM the way, the truth and the life." (John 14:6) "I AM the
resurrection and the life." (John 11:25). Jesus Himself, the
very Person and Life of Jesus Christ, is the essence of
everything He came to bring to this world.
Christianity is not just another religion propagating an
ideology. Christianity is not just another religion
remembering the teaching of its founder. Christianity is not
just another religion reiterating the propositional tenets of
its founder's teaching, and calling such "truth." Christianity

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