Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

The religion of "natural man" inevitably slides toward
epistemological knowledge, towards knowledge of external
data formulated in propositional truth statements. These
"articles of faith" are defended most adamantly as essential
doctrines of Christian catechism.
When the reason of man is thus deified, it spawns
innumerable ideas, concepts, opinions, thoughts, doctrines,
prejudices, etc. These mental constructs (such as the "idea
of God" or the "idea of salvation") tend to become self-
existent entities, autonomous tenets, which develop a
history of their own, with a separate self-generative
function. Thus they are evaluated, plotted, charted,
analyzed, modified, altered and criticized.
Natural theology develops an "idea about God" by
logical deduction. "He must be, therefore He is." It is an
attempt to know God apart from God. Such reasoning may
even arrive at a concept of a monotheistic God who is
infinitely personal and loving, with an only-begotten Son
who was willing to be incarnated and to give His life in
crucifixion. Such an "idea of God" and "idea of salvation"
can still be detached from any personal knowing of the
Living God. If so it remains an idolatrous false-image
carved in the mind of man. Natural theology is anathema!

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