Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

ecstatic psychological effect, but there remains a "separated
concept," both epistemologically or experientially.
The radical uniqueness of Christianity is in the
ontological connection and cohesion of the divine cause or
source and the divine effect. God, the divine source effects
the expression of His Being. The divine effect is only as
God sources such by His grace. God can and must be
identified with, even equated with, His effects. His effects
are the activity of His Being.
Christian theology must maintain the oneness of
spiritual activity with the Spirit-source – God within His
acts. There is no spiritual reality to that effected apart from
the dynamic source-reality of Divine Being. To separate
benefit from Being is to construct a false religious image
which is not the vital living activity of God in Christ. Any
religious act or idea, viewed apart from what God is doing
because He is who He is, operating by His grace,
expressing Himself by His Son, Jesus Christ, is necessarily
sterile, static and severed from reality, as well as idolatrous,
abominable and anathema.
Derivative man never generates Christian activity, or
any activity for that matter, for the corresponding theodicy
must understand the ontic connection and association of the

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