Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

and non-transferrable. God is the only One who is who He
is and does what He does, as expressed in His attributes.
Only God is God! To attribute God's attributes to a book is
to make the book a "god," and to relativize God's attributes.
Persons who hold such a view of scripture need to do a
thorough study of the attributes of God and to recognize
that these are attributes of God alone! Heresy usually
commences with a deficient understanding of God.

Historical Review of Biblical Understanding

By reviewing biblical history we can gain some
perspective of how God expresses Himself. God is a God
who must express Himself as who He is. His prime
function is active expression of Himself consistent with His
character. He is the living, active God who personally
expresses Himself.
God expressed Himself in creation by etiologically
expressing "out of" Himself (Cf. Romans 11:33; I
Corinthians 8:6) a created order that was not essentially
divine (pantheism), but expressive of His own character.
This ek theos process of creative Self-expression was for
the purpose of allowing His invisible character to be
expressed visibly in His creation, to His own glory.

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