Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

This was God's intent for man when He created
mankind with the "image of God" in man (Genesis
1:26,27). The expressive agent of God, the Son, the
"Word," was to "image" God's character in the behavior of
man. "Christ, the image of God" (II Corinthians 4:4;
Colossians 1:15) was to be the spiritual resource for
imaging God's character within godly behavior in man,
manifesting "godliness," to the glory of God.
The expressive agency of the living, personal God (that
is the Word, the Image of God, the Son) in man was lost in
the fall of man in sin (cf. Gen. 3). That does not mean that
God ceased to express Himself, though, for to cease to
express Himself, He would cease to be God. But as God's
intent was to express Himself in the highest form of His
creation, i.e. in man, for a glorification of His character that
was not possible in the lower created orders without
behavioral freedom, God's ultimate purpose was
temporarily thwarted by sin.
On Sinai there was given to Moses an enscribed law,
engraved and written on stone, the purpose of which was to
reveal God's intention of expressing His character in man
through the expressive agent of His Son, Jesus Christ. All
Old Testament law and function points to Jesus Christ.

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