Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

etc. All branches of Protestantism down through the
centuries have prided themselves on being "the people of
the Book" or "the religion of the Book." G.K. Chesterton
once wrote,

"The Bible and the Bible only is the religion of the Protestants." 31

Bringing the historical survey up to date, we have just
witnessed a couple of decades of evangelical conflict and
debate. "The Battle for the Bible" has been the issue. There
have been volumes of books and articles on inerrancy,
infallibility and inspiration of scripture. They miss the
point! What about proclaiming the eternal, inerrant,
infallible inspiration of Jesus Christ, the Living Word
expression of God, in people's lives? We need a
Christocentric Christianity rather than a bibliocentric
Christian religion. Christianity IS Christ!
This was intended to be but a brief historical review
emphasizing God's intent to express Himself in Living
Word in Jesus Christ. But as we note how man constantly
attempts to revert to book-religion, it becomes a long story
of religious perversion.
Man always grasps for a visible, physical, tangible
object that he can "hold on to." Men seem to want

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