n this chapter I’m going to summarize things that are great for glam-
our photography poses and things that are not so great. These are
based on the traditional concepts, fundamentals, and principles, as well as
my own experience with photo editors and top photographers around the
Ten Qualities of the Ideal Glamour Model.
But first, let’s look at the ideal glamour model. Then we’ll look at mod-
els who don’t have all of these “ideal” characteristics. Remember: all mod-
els are subjects, but not all subjects are models. First, the ideal glamour
model has:
1.A toned physique, including a flat stomach and lean legs
and arms.
2.A small nose.
3.Height that is proportionate to her weight. In glamour
modeling there is no minimum height. In fact, many fa-
mous “Page Three” girls were under 5-foot 5-inches.
4.No visible evidence of hair roots different in color from the
rest of the hair. It’s not uncommon for models to wear hair
extensions, but make sure that they are the same color as
her real hair. The model’s hair should always be healthy
and not overly damaged by constant coloring.
5.A recent manicure and pedicure.
6.No tan lines. Tan lines can be sexy in some images, but it’s
best to avoid them overall.
7.Clean and preferably straight teeth. There can be excep-
tions to this; sometimes the shoot may not call for smiling