saturation The intensity of the colour within an image.
selectivefocus Techniquewhereashallowdepthoffield
(wide aperture) is utilized to highlight and isolate a
particular area of the image.
sharpening A tool used widely in post production to
tonal contrast to one another,.
shutter ThebladesorcurtaininanSLRthatcontrolthe
amount of time the sensor is exposed to the light.
slavecell Amechanismfoundinflashlightingheadsthat
allows for more than one light to be triggered from another.
snoot A metal lighting modifier that creates a small
for lighting an area in the background.
softbox Accessory that diffuses thelight from a flash
head in the studio as it passes through at least one
in various shapes and sizes.
specular Describes thehighlightwhich isthebrightest
area visible on shiny objects when lit.
spotmetering Anin-cameralightmeteringsystemthat
will take a reading from a neutral mid-point.