Portrait Photography

(Darren Dugan) #1

key to colour managed workflow and accurate printing
or for precise proofing before sending images to print.

postproduction Referstoeverythingthathappenstothe
of the final piece.

rabatment A compositional tool used to aid the
placement of objects within a frame.

RAW Thedigitalnegative,thelargestfilesizeavailable
to the photographer from a digital SLR, carrying the
is a non-destructible file as all original information is
stored even if changes are made.

reflector Areflectivesurfaceusedtobounceandcontrol
any available light.

RGBandSRGB Thetwomostcommonworkingspaces
thephotographer willencounter: AdobeRGB 1998 is a
common colour space used for photographers, graphic
artists and printers. SRGB is a colour working space
primarily used for monitors and printers.

ringflash Acircularlightingmodifierthatfitsaroundthe
lens of the camera, creating flat, relatively shadowless
lighting, used widely in fashion.

SDCard Securedigitalmemorycard,storagefordigital

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