Publics, Politics and Participation

(Wang) #1

292 Mediated Publics


1.“monumental history,” see Fethi Benslama, “La cause identitaire,” On
Intersignes 10 (1995). “Specific socialism” is the ideology that held that the
Algerian regime between 1965 and 1978 was socialist and Muslim.
2.s chapter draws on an earlier chapter that appeared as “Drifted Liberties Thi
and Diffracted Identities? Algerian Audiences and the Parabola,” in
Globalization, Cultural Identities, and Media Representations, edited by
Natascha Gentz and Stefan Kramer (New York: State University of New
York Press, 2006), 180–206.
3.e of the participants in this research used a proverb to suggest an anal- On
ogy between the “parabola,” as Algerians call the satellite dish, and travel:
“Li majel mayahrafech ergjel” [Without travel there is no knowing of peo-
ple]. I am grateful to the men and women who trusted me and granted me
these interviews during difficult times (particularly 1994 to 1996) when, as
they report, “We trust[ed] no one.”
4.ince then, numerous works have been published on the specificities of S
civil societies and public spheres in this region. See, for example, Olivier
Fillieule and Mounia Bennani-Chraïbi, eds., Résistances et protestations
dans les sociétés musulmanes (Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, 2002); and
Hannah Davis Taïeb, Rabia Bekkar and Jean-Claude David, eds., Espaces
publics, paroles publiques au Maghreb et au Machreb (Lyon, France: Maison
de l’Orient Méditerranéen, 1997).
5.elkacem Mostefaoui, B La télévision française au Maghreb: Structures, straté-
gies et enjeux (Paris: L’Harmattan, 1995), 42.
6.hris Hann and Elizabeth Dunn, eds., C Civil Society: Challenging Western
Models (London and New York: Routledge, 1996), 6.
7.ichal Buchowski, “The Shifting Meanings of Civil and Civic Society in M
Poland,” in Civil Society: Challenging Western Models, edited by Chris Hann
and Elizabeth Dunn (London and New York: Routledge, 1996), 81.
8.hilippe Lucas, “Citoyens d’en bas: Contribution à une anthropologie de P
la contemporanéité,” Cahiers internationaux de sociologie L XXXV (1989):
276–299. See also Catherine Neveu, ed., Espace public et engagement poli-
tique: Enjeux et logiques de la citoyenneté locale (Paris: L’Harmattan, 1999).
9.atherine Neveu, “L’ C anthropologue, le citoyen et l’habitant: Le rapport
au politique dans une ville du Nord,” Ethnologie française 4 (1999): 559–567

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