Le Ray 449
1.etha M. Low and Denise Lawrence-Zuniga, eds., S The Anthropology of
Space and Place: Locating Culture (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2003).
- Lyn Lofland, A World of Strangers: Order and Action in Urban Public Space
(Prospect Heights: Waveland Press, 1973). - Henri Lefebvre, La production de l’espace (Paris: Anthropos, 1974).
- Alevism is a syncretic belief system, defined in close harmony with nature,
which incorporates elements from pre-Islamic beliefs as well as aspects
of Shiite Islam and other monotheistic religions. It is possible that 10 to
25 percent of the Turkish population is Alevi. The identity and religious
practices of the (Zaza-speaking) Alevi of Tunceli are slightly different from
those of other Alevi in Anatolia. Historically, Alevism has been defined in
opposition to Sunnism and identified by its opposition to central author-
ity; see Hamit Bozarslan, “L’alévisme, la méta-histoire et les mythes fon-
dateurs de la recherche,” in Turquie, les mille visages. Politique, religion,
femmes et immigration, edited by Isabelle Rigoni (Paris: Syllepse, 2000).
Categorized as a heterodoxy, it has often been stigmatized as sacrilegious
and repressed as such. After enduring violence and subsequently migrat-
ing to cities, various adaptations and “rereadings” of the Alevi identity
and a significant—but fractured—movement around Alevi identity has
emerged and developed in the last twenty years. See Tord Olsson, Elisabeth
Özdalga and Catharina Raudvere, eds., Alevi Identity (Istanbul: Swedish
Research Institute, 1998); and Elise Massicard, Constructions identitaires,
mobilisation et territorialité politique: le mouvement aléviste en Turquie et en
Allemagne depuis la fin des années 1980, PhD dissertation, IEP Paris, 2002.
5.ig Calhoun. “Rethinking the Public Sphere,” presentation to the Ford Cra
Foundation, 7 February 2005, http://www.ssrc.org/program_areas/ps/
6.ouis Quéré, “L’espace public comme forme et comme événement,” in L
Prendre place: Espace public et culture dramatique, edited by Isaac Joseph
(Paris: Recherches-Plan Urbain, 1995), 94. - Quéré, “L’espace public,” 98.
8.ouis Quéré and Dietrich Brezger, “L’étrangeté mutuelle des passants: Le L
mode de coexistence du public urbain,” Les Annales de la Recherche Urbaine
57–58 (1992–1993): 89.