Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 2, Session 2: Positive Communication | Page 34 of 127
Trainer Material 1: Suggestions for I Statement Practice
Use this page as a guide if participants need help making their own “I Statements.”
- Suppose a neighbor had promised to help take care of a garden you share but never did any work.
The problem: Not helping Your feelings: Disappointment
I Statement:
When you don’t weed the garden.
I feel disappointed because we agreed to share that chore.
I would like you to pull the weeds this week. OK?
- Suppose a friend of yours stopped a boy from teasing and bullying a small child.
The problem: Being mean to a young child Your feelings: Anger, fear
I Statement:
When you stopped that boy from teasing the small child,
I felt thankful and happy to be your friend.
I would like us to continue to be kind to others. OK?
- Suppose your mother had said you could go out with friends but later said you had to stay home and take care of
your younger sister.
The problem: Changing her mind Your feelings: Anger
I Statement:
When you change your mind at the last minute
I feel angry because I told my friends I would meet them.
I would like you to be consistent so I can make plans. OK?
- Suppose your brother or sister told another person to stop kicking a dog.
The problem: Being cruel to animals Your feelings: Sadness