Life Skills and Leadership Manual - Peace Corps

(Michael S) #1
Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 3, Session 3: Steps for Action | Page 37 of 67

  1. Invite volunteers to share their goals and the activities to achieve them. Ask discussion questions about
    participants’ target goals:

After listening to the goals of a few volunteers, what new ideas do you have for your own goal?
What do you think will be your most important asset (something you know or a skill you have)?

  1. Next distribute Handout 2. Say:

“I would like each of you to summarize the work on your goal into a plan of action. This is a document
that you can refer to in the future to reconsider whether your goal is still important to you, to check
your progress, and to know whether you have reached your goal.

“Begin by writing your goal in the space at the top and checking the boxes to make sure it is a SMART
goal. Then you can transfer information from your ‘My Target’ handout for the sections of ‘My Assets,‘
‘My Needs,’ and ‘People Who Can Help.’”

  1. Be prepared to share an example from Trainer Material 1: My Plan of Action Example. Give participants
    a few moments to transfer the information. Then say:

“To make your action plan really effective, it will be important to know HOW you will get the things you
listed that you need. You will also have to know when you’ve been successful. So, in box 5, ‘Steps to
Take’ write some ideas about how you can learn what you need so that you can know and practice the
skills that will be helpful to you. And in the section ‘Did I Reach My Goal?’ complete the sentence with a
way to measure your success.”

  1. Give participants a chance to write some ideas on their papers. Then ask everyone to stand, and then

“I’d like you to test out the ideas you just put on your paper. So, please take your paper and move
randomly around in our learning space without showing it to anyone and without talking.”

  1. After participants have mixed about, say :

“Stop! Please form a group with one or two people who are closest to you. With this group, take just a
moment to share one need you have (Box 4) and one step you would take (Box 5) to obtain that need.
Make sure each person has a chance to share in the next two to three minutes.”

  1. After about three minutes, ask participants to write down any new ideas they got from their partners
    about how to get some of their needs. Then ask them to mix silently as before. When they have
    mixed, say:

“Stop and turn to a person near you who you did not speak with last time. This time, share a different
need you have and get some ideas about steps to take to meet that need. As before, give your partner
a chance to share, too.”
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