The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

DAY Tuesday.
ADVICE This is one spell you cannot do for another
person. No habit can be broken unless there is a sincere
desire to quit.

SPELLWORK Light the altar candles and the incense.
Inscribe the name of the habit on the black candle.
Anoint it from the end to the wick and set it in the
center of your altar. Write "peace" on the light blue
candle and "success" on the orange candle. Place the
orange candle to the left of the black candle and the
light blue on the right. Put the jade in front of the
orange candle, rhodonite in front of the black, and topaz
in front of the light blue. Light the black candle first,
then the others. Say the chant nine times. Leave the
candles to burn out completely. Dispose of the wax

CHANT I walk away from harmful things.
I walk into the Light.
I draw my strength from endless Love,
And from this win my fight.

Stop Arguments

CANDLES Straight or votive candles in the following
colors: one black (remove negatives), one indigo
(balance out karma, stop lies), and one silver (neutralize
the situation, repel destructive forces).

OIL Patchouli.
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