The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
Remove Negative Vibrations or Spirits from a Person

CANDLES A purple (drive away evil, spiritual protection)
seven-knob candle (or seven purple straight or votive
candles), plus seven each of the colors black (absorb and
remove negative energies), royal blue (happiness, calling
upon occult power), magenta (fast action, exorcism),
and silver (neutralize negative powers, repel destructive

OIL Vetiver or patchouli.
HERBS Vervain or patchouli.
INCENSE Frankincense, myrrh, or patchouli.
STONES Agate, clear quartz crystal, black onyx, and

black obsidian.

OTHER SUPPLIES Holy water; small nail.
TIMING On the new moon or the waning moon cycle.
DAY Saturday or Tuesday.
ADVICE Determining personal possession can be a tricky
decision. Some types of temporary or permanent mental
illness can be mistaken for possession. So can certain
types of willful behavior. If you are uncertain, consult an

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