The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

CANDLES A purple seven-knob candle (or seven purple
straight or votive candles), plus seven each of indigo
(balance out karma, stop another's actions) and magenta
(fast action, spiritual healing).

OIL Pine.
HERBS Bay laurel or clove.
INCENSE Dragon's blood, pine, or patchouli.
STONES Aquamarine.
TIMING During a waning moon.
DAY Saturday or Tuesday.
ADVICE Sometimes the only way to stop enemies is to
put them under pressure from their own lives. Then they

have no time to worry about you.

SPELLWORK Light the altar candles and the incense. With
a nail, carve the initials or name of the enemy into the
purple seven-knob candle. Anoint the candles from the
wick to the end. Place the aquamarine in front of the
seven-knob candle with the indigo candle on the left and
the magenta one on the right. Light the seven-knob
candle first, then the others. Say the chant. Sit quietly
and visualize yourself building a thick stone wall
between you and your enemy. Take your time with this,
for when you can feel that this wall is there, your
protection will be complete. Everything negative sent to
you will rebound upon the sender. Each night burn only
one knob of the purple candle. Leave the other candles
to burn out completely, replacing them with fresh
candles each night. Dispose of the wax afterward.

CHANT One to seek her/him. One to find her/him.
One to bring her/him. One to bind her/him.
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