The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

someone emotionally close to you. The more
emotionally involved you allow yourself to be, the less
likely you will get a truthful answer from your
pendulum. The test of an experienced pendulum diviner
is that she/he can separate her/his emotions from the
questions, thus entering a neutral emotional state while
working with the pendulum. This is very difficult to do.

There are a number of exercises you can do with the
pendulum to increase your proficiency and the
pendulum's reliability. It is best to begin with simple
exercises that reinforce your communication skills with
your subconscious mind. Since even predictions with a
pendulum require that you ask a series of appropriate
questions, the following little exercises will build your
confidence and ability in selecting questions.

Two Glasses Exercise

Fill one glass with tap water and another glass with
bottled water. Set them about two hand lengths apart on
a table. Hold the pendulum between them while asking
whether the contents in both glasses are water. The
pendulum should say Yes. Then ask whether the glasses
both contain the same kind of water. You should get a
No answer. Ask the pendulum to indicate the glass
containing the tap water. It should swing directly at the
appropriate glass. Finish by asking it to show you the

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