The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

glass of bottled water, and it will swing toward that
glass. Repeat the same exercises with two glasses of tap
water. Ask again if the glasses contain the same kind of
water. This time the answer should be a Yes.

You have worked your way through a series of
questions to discover the truth about the glasses of
water. Although both glasses contain water, there are
subtle differences in the composition of that water. This
is the same procedure you need to adopt whenever you
ask the pendulum a question. One question and its
answer will not cover all the possible facets of a problem
or event. By carefully wording your series of questions,
you can cover all areas of an initial question and give a
broader, more comprehensive answer. You may also
discover that what you thought was an answer is
something different when all facets of the problem are

Using a regular deck of playing cards, remove all the
Jokers from the deck. Select six black cards and one red
card. Shuffle these cards and lay them out face down in
a line on the table. Do not look at the cards. The object
is to discover which cards are black and which one is
red. Hold the pendulum over each card as you ask
whether the card is black. The pendulum should respond
to one card with a No, for it will be red. Keep track of
how many you get right.

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