The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
Three Objects

You may find that you have difficulty divining an
object if it is hidden under a cup of a certain type of
material. This may vary from pendulum to pendulum or
from person to person. One dowser I know has difficulty
divining anything under a particular brand of margarine
container. I do not know the reason for this, but I
suspect it may have to do with the material of which the
pendulum or the container is made. Perhaps the
vibrations of the pendulum are such that they do not
mesh well with the vibrations of the cup or container.

The next exercise is more difficult than the last one as
you must now divine physical human vibrations left on
an object. Have someone hold one of three coins for
about twenty seconds before putting the three coins
under the cups. Use the pendulum to determine which
coin the person held. This practice is similar to
psychometry, which is reading the vibrations of an
object. However, you are doing the psychometry
without seeing or touching the object in question.
Practice by having different people hold a coin, then
finding it. In rare occasions, a person will be able to
block her/his vibrations from reaching the coin. In this

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