The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
EAGLE Strength; courage; wisdom; fearlessness in the face
of great odds; discovering the overall pattern of your life
and spiritual growth.

ELK Strength; stamina; learning to pace yourself in a job.

FALCON Healing; coming to terms with death; learning

FOX Stealth; wisdom; cunning; masking your intentions
when dealing with troublesome people.

FROG Initiations and transformations; dispelling negative
vibrations; a new cycle in life.

HARE/RABBIT Transformation; quick thinking; learning to
stop worrying.

HAWK Recalling past lives; being observant; overcoming
problems; making decisions.

HORSE Freedom; friendship and cooperation; taking


LIZARD Facing and defeating your fears; learning spiritual
knowledge from dreams and astral travel; handling
difficult situations.

LYNX Developing divination skills and the psychic senses;
understanding mystical secrets; looking within yourself
and facing the truth.

MOUSE Developing the ability to remain inconspicuous
when necessary; watching for small details when signing
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