The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

by the Chinese. Because everything is composed of
energy, then everything, without exception, can be
affected and influenced by energy. This definitely
includes deliberately directed energy, whether positive
or negative. This is the foundation of truth behind the
workings of magick, which is the directing of energy for
a specific purpose and the affecting of an idea, object,
event, or person by this energy.


Every living body, whether human or animal, is
surrounded by what is called an aura (also see this
page). Many cultures also believe that every object,
whether animate or inanimate, has an aura, which is
why we speak of a crystal or an area in nature as having

The aura we will study here is the human aura. This
aura consists of layers of various types of energy that
surround the physical body. The aura's energy is
affected by the universal energy that is everywhere in
the cosmos. These layers are also affected by the energy
molded by individual thought and action. The aura can
be powerfully affected when that energy is gathered and
directed by willpower.

The aura is a kind of electromagnetic field, and can be
compared to the field that surrounds the earth. We can't
ordinarily see the earth's electromagnetic field, but
scientists know it exists because of gravity, the air it
traps around the planet, and the way it makes a compass
point to the north. This electromagnetic field around the
earth gets denser as one moves closer to the planet from
space. Without this field or atmosphere, the earth would
have no life and would not be a living entity itself.

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