The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

lingered or continued through several lifetimes. Stone:
Clear quartz crystal.

The ninth chakra, or universal chakra, lies about six
inches above the transpersonal chakra. This chakra is
totally disconnected from the physical and has only
connections with the pure spiritual part of a human. It is
a direct pipeline for each person with the Goddess/God
or Supreme Universal Force. No diseases are ever found
in this chakra, although it may be almost completely
closed due to lack of spiritual growth. Stone: Clear
quartz crystal or rutilated crystal.

The eighth and ninth chakras rarely need to be
worked on during a healing, as their energies and
purposes are so esoteric that it is difficult for a healer to
manage them. The patient, however, can clear these
with prayer and meditation.

The minor chakras in the palm of each hand are
very sensitive; they can send out universal energy, as
well as gather and direct it toward a physical person or
a mental goal. It is frequently helpful during a healing
for the patient to hold a crystal in each hand. Stones:
Clear quartz crystal, amber, amethyst.

The other minor chakras in the sole of each foot are
useful for drawing earth energy upward into a patient.
Because we are beings of the earth, we use a lot of earth
energy as well as universal, spiritual energy. This earth
energy helps us maintain our connection with the planet
earth and deal with everyday life. These chakras are also
important in that they allow us to discharge negative
energy back into the earth where it is transformed into
positive energy. They also ground us and siphon off
excess energy. It is beneficial for people to walk barefoot
whenever possible for these reasons. Stones: Clear quartz
crystal, smoky quartz, black obsidian, black onyx.

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