The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

A lesion feels like a small rough spot in the aura. It is
the site of a past damage that didn't make it completely
through the aura's layers. This is like a scar on the
physical body and is a potential area for future problems
unless softened and sealed by cosmic energy.

A flare can be caused by two things: too much
unprocessed energy in an aura or a huge disastrous
break in an aura. Having too much energy is similar to
hyperventilation. The aura and chakras become clogged
with excess energy brought in by the subconscious
during a time of stress. This energy will churn
purposelessly until it sours and changes into negative
energy. In this case, a flare is an aura's attempt to rid
itself of this "infection." To correct this, the healer must
use their removal hand to help draw out the negative
energy. Then using the power hand, the healer must seal
the break. This type of flare will feel either very cold or
very hot.

The flare caused by a huge break may feel like energy
rushing out, rather like a hole in a dam. The patient will
likely feel extremely tired all the time. Such flares are
always caused by large emotional traumas or extremely
serious diseases. You should begin by massaging and
cleaning the aura, as explained later in this section.
Then balance the chakras. Follow this by holding the
power hand over the flare for some time and doing the
usual aura smoothing.

Stagnation of energy in one place will create hot or
cold spots in the aura. This can be either a site for an
undetected disease or a potential one.

A collapsed aura is usually found in patients who are
extremely ill or close to death. You may also find a
collapsed aura in someone contemplating suicide. A
collapse can manifest in two ways: 1) the aura is so close

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