The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

Combine the mudras with chants and affirmations,
and you will greatly enhance both your meditations and
their results.

Often, physical visual effects are helpful during a
meditation. The person meditating can look at certain
symbols before and after a meditation to help produce
an altered state of consciousness. Some healers make
healing altars and have candles and clear quartz crystals
placed around a photo or paper bearing the patient's
name. See this page for more on healing altars. The
same technique can be used in absent healing.

If you want to intensify and strengthen your
meditations, place certain tarot cards and stones where
you can see them before and after a healing meditation.
If you have a photo of the sick person, place this in the
center of your cards and stones. If you don't have a
photo, write the patient's full name on a piece of paper

If you use one tarot card, place a stone on each side of
it or surround it with stones. If you use several tarot
cards, alternate the cards and stones around the photo
or name of the sick person. The following lists of cards
and stones give their healing meanings so you can
determine which you want to use. The stones are all
inexpensive and easily found.

Tarot Cards

THE CHARIOT Self-discipline, willpower, forging ahead.

THE EMPRESS The Goddess or Mary, compassion, emotional

order, good luck.

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