The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

down. Oriental cultures have long taught that the
spoken word has tremendous power, and that certain
arrangements of words (as in healing affirmations and
chants) can profoundly affect physical substance.
These ideas were not used in Europe after the terror of
the witch hunts, for the wise men and women who knew
these secrets were killed or had gone into deep hiding
and no longer served the people. However, spiritual
healing secrets never stay hidden forever. Eventually,
people begin to rediscover and use them.
Around the turn of the nineteenth century, a French
pharmacist named Emile Coue had a free clinic where he
taught patients to use positive affirmations. One of these
affirmations has survived and is still used today: "Every
day in every way, I am getting better and better." His
patients who repeated this twenty times when they
awoke each morning did get better. He chose morning
because affirmations work best when the patient is
relaxed and calm.
In 1964, Norman Cousins, author of Anatomy of an
Illness, learned he had a deadly form of arthritis that
attacks the body's connective tissues. His chances of
surviving more than a few months were not good.
Determined not to give up, he began to fill his life with a
positive attitude, positive speech, and lots of humor. In
four months, he was back to work full-time, although his
complete cure took several years. Mr. Cousins had
instinctively used the ancient healing technique of
positive affirmations and thinking, and proved that it
Mental thoughts also affect the body, mind, and spirit.
Repeated imagining of negative thoughts produces a
powerful astral thoughtform that the subconscious mind
takes as a literal wish. Robert Monroe, author of Ultimate

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