The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

SHH The shh sound made by mothers the world over can
restore harmony and peace.

Using vowel sounds to balance the chakras will not
overload or unbalance any of these light centers.

UH The uh sound, as in "huh," works on the root chakra.

ooo The ooo, as in "fool," affects the belly chakra.

OH The oh, as in "low," will clear the solar plexus


AH The ah, as in "hah," will benefit the heart chakra.

EYE The sound "eye" is for the throat chakra.

LONG A The long a, as in "hay," will help the brow chakra,

also known as the Third Eye.

LONG E The long e, as in "feel," will benefit the crown
chakra at the top of the head.

Certain combinations of sounds can also be used
together to attain specific goals. Spells for love and
relationship are affected by "ahh eh," a combination of
Mother and Father sonics. "Shoo maa" will help
manifest material goals, while "paa maa eye oh"
strengthens protective spells. These sample combinations
may also be combined with the bija mantras and chakra
mantras that follow.

If you wish to work primarily on the chakras
themselves, the following mantras will aid you. They are
easily pronounced one-word mantras. Sit with your back
straight. Place your power hand over each chakra and

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