The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

To color-charge water, fill a clean, sterilized jar with
pure water that contains no additives such as fluoride.
Tape a sheet of photo lens plastic of a specific color to a
window with the jar of clear water behind it. Another
method is to tape the sheet of lens plastic directly to the
jar and make certain that the sun strikes the colored
plastic. The sun shines through the window and the film
onto the jar of water. Let the jar of water stand for one
to four hours and then refrigerate. Without refrigeration,
it loses its charge in three or four days. Read the color
descriptions that follow to determine how to use color-
charged water. For example, take a few sips of orange-
charged water before meals for constipation.
The water can be sipped in small amounts, such as a
quarter of a cup at a time, two or three times a day. It
may also be added to bath water.

To make stronger elixirs, set the jar of water out on a
specific planetary day. Sunday is the Sun's day, or
yellow, orange, or gold. Monday is the Moon's day, or
white or light blue. Tuesday is Mars's day, and is good
for red or magenta. Wednesday is Mercury's day, or
orange, lemon, or yellow. Thursday is Jupiter's day, or
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