The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
with several different colors. If you decide to use more
than one color, allow at least an hour between treatment
with one color and treatment with another color. Never
combine the light colors for one treatment. If you are
using color-infused water, have the patient take the
doses separately, half an hour apart.
You will notice that some of the colors state that they
should be followed by treatment with another specific
color for certain diseases. This is to strengthen the
treatment or to minimize side effects from the first color.
You will also notice that some colors are not
recommended for specific diseases because they have a
negative effect on those diseases.

BLUE A calming color for the nervous system, blue
reduces fear and rapid heartbeat, and cures insomnia. It
can also be used for burns, itching, painful skin
abrasions, apoplexy, biliousness, cataracts, glaucoma,
chicken pox, colic, diarrhea, fever, laryngitis, sore
throat, dysentery, eye inflammation, gastrointestinal
diseases, hysteria, painful menstruation, heart
palpitations, goiter, headache, acute rheumatism, shock,
toothache, tonsillitis, duodenal ulcers, vomiting, and
jaundice. It is particularly useful in localizing and
limiting the destructive effects in the areas around
tumors. Because of its sedative qualities, blue also helps
with pain. When using blue to treat gastric and duodenal
ulcers, asthma, pleurisy, cystic mastitis, diarrhea, and
prostate enlargement, follow this color with orange. Do
not use blue on colds, constriction of muscles,
hypertension, or paralysis.

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