The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

hemorrhages, high and low blood pressure, hepatitis,
insomnia, kidney stones, liver trouble, melancholia,
menopause, nephritis, obesity, heart palpitations,
pancreas trouble, pericarditis, pneumonia, psoriasis,
rheumatism, sterility, tonsillitis, vomiting.

You should be open to using a variety of treatments in
your efforts to promote healing in a patient. However,
make certain the patient will accept the technique
before using it. Some people will not be open to color
light therapy or gemstone elixirs.

Absent Healing

Absent or distant healing is a mental and spiritual
process a healer uses when working with patients who
aren't present. It is accomplished through mental
imagery and an altered state of consciousness, much like
the work of shamans. A photo is helpful but isn't
necessary. All a healer needs is a name, what town the
patient lives in, and a general description of the disease.
After much practice, some healers don't even need to
know the illness. They can determine this by making
contact with the patient's etheric body. Absent or distant
healing takes place when a healer contacts the
subconscious mind of a patient and sends visualized
symbols or pictures that influence the patient's mind to
heal the body.

This type of healing will use the Otherworld healing
temple built during the meditation on this page. Enter a
meditative state, direct your thoughts toward your
temple, and you will be there. Then you can call the
patient by name. The etheric body of that person will
appear in your temple for healing. All of your study on

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