The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
broken bones, torn muscles, and a number of other

  • Tie together a torn muscle or ligament with elastic

  • Stop bleeding by cauterizing the cut with a healing

  • Cover scrapes or sores with large pieces of new
    skin tape.

  • Use a small suction machine and hose to remove
    tiny pieces of glass, splinters, bone fragments,
    small growths, or poisonous crystals in the blood
    that can become arthritis or other diseases.

  • Paint blue healing gel on painful joints or the
    entire body to remove pain.

  • Inject lubricating oil into stiff joints.

  • Remove any red threads from the body as these
    symbolize lines of pain. Do the same with any
    black threads that may be disease tendrils. Destroy
    these threads or any removed material in your
    cauldron of universal flames.

  • Use sponges to soak up fluid in the lungs, throat,
    and sinuses. For the hard-to-reach sinuses in the
    forehead, use a small suction machine.

  • Infections are carried by the blood once they
    establish a hold in body tissues. When this occurs,
    install a mental germicidal filter in the blood
    stream to trap and kill all germs and foreign

Let your subconscious mind come up with new ideas
that fit your needs. The only way to explain how to do
absent healing through correct visualization is to give
examples. Then you can explore further on your own,
discovering what symbols and impressions work. Stories

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