The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
Symbolic Healing

Several general visualization techniques work well for
all healers. These are symbolic techniques only and have
nothing to do with physical reality. The subconscious
mind deals only with symbols and must be presented
with such to understand what you want it to do. If your
instincts come up with symbolic techniques other than
the ones in this book, use them.

One important fact to remember in all absent, imaged
healing is that you must destroy all removed and
infected tissue in a psychic, spiritual fire. You might
wish to install a large bowl or cauldron in your
Otherworld healing temple for this purpose.

  • Use skin tape to fix cuts and tears in the skin.

  • Clean out clogged blood vessels with a long wire

  • Zap tumors, growths, or cancer cells with a laser

  • Cover wounds and bruises with skin putty.

  • Drain poisons from kidneys with a suction faucet.

  • Pick out gallstones and kidney stones with long
    tweezers, then fill the space with blue healing

  • Lessen pain by saturating the painful area or the
    entire body with green, blue, or white pain-
    removal light.

  • Place blue or green ice packs on swollen injuries.

  • Use sandpaper, fine files, or a small grinder to
    smooth off rough arthritic joints.

  • For broken bones, zap the break with healing light,
    then tape it together with bone tape, and pack it
    with bone putty. Or you can use psychic glue for

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