The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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either break up with her, or engage in all the wimpy behavior you know will turn her off and force
her to fade away.

Don’t break up just because you wonder about greener grass – it usually isn’t, and it has
to be mowed, too. Do it because you know you aren’t going to reach your goal this way. It’s time
to refresh your memory as to why you’re in this game in the first place.

Here are some indications that you should consider ending it:
 Her attraction to you is low. Chances are, she’s not as attracted to you because you
stopped growing and challenging her.
 She has clearly lost interest in sex with you. Your sex life is not what you desire.
 You are not happy when you’re with her, or you find you are happier without her.
 She has changed in ways that do not mesh with your personality.
 She goes from low-maintenance to high-maintenance.
 Respect is lost – yours for her, or hers for you.
 She attempts to take control of your life.
 She develops emotional problems.
 She cheats on you.
 You cheat on her.

The “End” ..........................................................................................................................................

How do you do it? I will only tell you that a good breakup is clean, quick, and stays
broken up. No calls to “see if it will work out.” You don’t leave a note or flee the country. Face up
to what you must do, and then do it.

Here’s a pretty thorough checklist:
 When you decide you’re going to break up, do it. Don’t leave yourself room to back
out on your decision, because you will be tempted to “try again” or any number of
enticing situations. If you try again, and fail, and try to break up again, your chances
of making things work for real are diminished even more.
 You meet with her in a neutral location, you speak your feelings as clearly as you
can, without blame, and then state clearly that “you don’t want to continue seeing
each other.” She might fight it, especially if she hasn’t had a chance to line up your
replacement, and she might cause a scene. But you will stick to your guns and be
civil. Don’t stay there with her more than an hour. If you wait too long, you will only
make things more difficult.
 If you are living together, one of you must move out. If it isn’t financially practical for
one of you, it can be very difficult, especially if she is the one who initiated it. Leave
as soon as it is practical.
 I suggest before you do the breaking up you should reclaim your possessions as
covertly as possible. Change any locks or passwords you may share.
 Plan to stay away from her for as long as is necessary. There may be bad blood for
some time, and you need to let things cool off for a while. Do not try to keep a
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