The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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friendship going until she seems ready to accept this – and most women you have
dated will not make good friends once you have broken up.
 Try not to do the rehab sex routine with her. (God gave you a hand, so use it.) It’s
easy to let a lust situation revert into a relationship again. The emotional
entanglements are too deep, so don’t try going back to the well.

Start again – Rejuvenation ...............................................................................................................

The part of the process that many people overlook is the recharge and rejuvenate
portion. It’s an absolute necessity to keep your attitude healthy and not slip into the biggest trap
of the recently dumped – rebounding. If the last woman you were with was just a casual
romance, short-lived, then you can take a reasonably short time, and if it was a long-term
relationship it must be a while before you jump back in the game. But I’d say the best gauge of
how long is to listen to your heart. If you are feeling lonely and you still miss her, you aren’t quite
ready yet. If you feel dread at having to start dating again, you’re still not there.
What you’re looking for is to feel a certain electric charge – a slight thrill – at going back
into the arena and doing battle again. It’s as if a part of you knows there will be pain and a little
rejection, but you feel hungry to go and do it anyway. It’s like the feeling when you’ve gone on
vacation for a while and you’re itching to get back to work.
Take the time to recuperate and take care of yourself. Go see a bunch of mindless
action movies. Go snowboarding. Go hit the gym hard for a couple weeks. Do what you need to
recharge your batteries. Sports teams take time off to revitalize and recharge, and so should

Keep in mind: A woman that meets your needs, a quality marriageable prospect, where
the relationship is mutually supportive and invigorating – in short, a woman that is The One, is
going to be very rare. I won’t kid you, if you’ve done your homework and identified the kind of
woman who will keep you happy for the rest of your life and is worth the work and effort to stay
with, she will take a good deal of time to discover. A lot of women are flakes, emotionally shut-
down, or just plain nutty. Another portion is just a matter of timing, and those matches will often
be frustrating because those women will be mostly suitable but simply in the wrong place at the
wrong time. There are a lot of rooms in Heartbreak Hotel with guys (and gals) crying the blues
over someone that couldn’t give them what they needed because of timing. Also, some people
are just harder to please. If your list of criteria for a long-term companion is rigid and long, you’ll
have a longer time finding her.

The good news? Well, along the way, you’re going to learn a lot, as well enjoy a lot of
casual accompaniment from ladies along the way. If you’re sincere to your own needs (i.e.,
don’t sacrifice yourself and your goals in life for a woman), you’ll find it easier to weather the
long road of dating and relationships. Remember: there are millions and millions of great women
out there, and you don’t have time to meet them all.

LoserBoy: Quick! Go out and
get a new girl ... that will help ...
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