The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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TICKLE KINO...........................................................................................................................................

Remember when you were a kid, and you would find any way you could to touch the
girls you were interested in? You’d snap their training bras, pull their hair, or tickle them. This
was the early form of socialization, to flirt your way into contact with them. You’d be amazed at
how many of these approaches still work. Get into a pillow fight, and then move in for tickling. If
she’s one of those rare gals who isn’t ticklish, find a reason to test her out. Then sigh and tell
her she’s no fun. See how she comes back to prove you wrong.

SEXUAL KINO..........................................................................................................................................

Even after you have moved your relationship into the bedroom, you must realize that a
good understanding of sexual kino will help you immensely. There are a few simple rules that
can keep you from burning out and being a one-hit-wonder with your current gal.

  • Wait as long as you can before directly stimulating her.
    Use your fingers to tease, as well as please. The definition of foreplay is not touching
    where she knows you want to touch and where she eventually wants you to touch. Foreplay is
    just one big tease. Have fun with it. Remember: Barry Bonds doesn’t have to run fast because
    he knows he’s hit a home run. Think about it.

  • Touch uncommon areas.
    It seems that men do one of two things with breasts - squeeze them like Nerf balls or
    suck their nipples off. C’mon, get creative! The sides and underside are very sensitive areas.
    Try working your way in, very slowly. Hang out in the cleavage for a while. Do some tongue-
    work. She will like it, I assure you.
    Uncommon areas also work wonderfully when you’re leading toward sex. Think about
    where she puts her perfume. Try lightly rubbing the back of her knees, the inside of her elbows,
    the sides of her ankles, her wrists, or anywhere that you might not normally think to go.

  • Don’t forget the cheap seats.
    You’d be amazed how many women like being touched all over, especially during sex. A
    delicate rub on her back or caressing her legs is often like icing on the cake when she’s in the
    throes of ecstasy. It puts you closer to her and it removes the focus from just one or two parts of
    her body to all of her.

  • Get her to show you.
    She knows better than anyone else where she likes to be touched. Ask her to show you
    where she likes to be stimulated, and how. It doesn’t reflect incompetence, since any man with
    confidence knows to stop the car and ask for directions. Yeah, that means you, Jethro.

  • Always leave her wanting more.
    Yes, it’s applicable here, too. Don’t get too obsessive and try for a 48-hour Tantric sex binge
    that would embarrass Sting. Leave some room to grow in. You can work your way through the

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