The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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Ah... No three-letter word holds more power.
I suppose you were eager to get to this section, hmm? Waiting for some hot tips? I’ve
got some great information for you, but I’m not going into embarrassing graphic detail here.
Frankly, there are many other books out there to help you in this area. (And they have better
pictures, too.) I just want to cover some of the Dating Dynamics concepts with you, as well as
give you some information about sex you may not have known about.
First of all, realize that the same Three S’s that give you enduring and respecting
relationships with women also work in the bedroom. Early on, use your humor sparingly
regarding sex, and your self-discipline will be the most important. Second, realize that women
want and love sex as much as men do. The difference is that women need to justify sleeping
with a man to their sense of self, which means either taking their time (building up trust), or
having a good excuse (overwhelming attraction). If you want to get laid, you must make a
woman comfortable enough (gain her trust) and attracted enough for you to let her guard down.

Women have sex with men they fall in love with;
Men fall in love with women they have sex with.

Consider this very carefully, because it is the essential difference between men and
women with respect to sex. Each gender has a different priority when it comes to sex. If you
expect her to jump you immediately, you’re heading for disappointment. The Truth is that most
women are not willing to rush into sex with a man. One-night stands are relatively infrequent. If
quick sex is your goal, you’re going to have to put up with more than your share of rejection and

Sexual competency can be broken down into two areas: Communication and Skills.


Communication is essential when sleeping with a woman. She needs to feel as though
she is being cared for, and it’s your obligation to fulfill that need. Yes, this means you have to
talk to her.
Now, most men don’t feel comfortable talking to women about sex. They usually feel that
doing is enough, and they have the doing part taken care of. The Truth is that a woman is going
to be more turned on by your ability to communicate about her pleasure than by most of the
things you will actually do to her physically. The key to a woman’s sex drive lies in her brain.

First of all, recognize the correct place for sex in conversation. When you are first
meeting a woman, unless she is a Third-Degree Horn-dog, you are not going to engage in sex
talk. The only time it’s safe to venture into that area is after she has taken a conversation in that

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