The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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There are three F’s to sex that will net you the most benefit, even if you do nothing else:

  • Foreplay

  • Foreplay

  • Foreplay

Remember what I said: Women rarely climax solely from your rabid pelvic thrusting. She
needs direct stimulation to achieve climax, and her psychological desire to have it must be
present first. Foreplay is like lighting the fuse of her fireworks. Take your time.
Another way to leverage the power of foreplay is to use it when you know you aren’t
going to have sex, or leave it unresolved. The more foreplay you use without resolution, the
more you are likely to stir her passions for more regular sex. Consider foreplay an investment in
your sexual reservoir.

Tempo – Slow down
There’s another area where you need to relax, and it’s in your motions. Sexual tempo
ranges from near-zero – you’re barely moving – to Jackhammer, where you’re moving like an
engine at red-line. Almost all sexual motions that please her are in the lower end of the scale.
Vary your tempo for the widest affect. Go from slow to a bit faster, back to very slow. Also, vary
your pressure and focus from time to time. If you’ve ever had a woman spend too much time
rubbing one spot of your body, you know how irritating it can be. Take a second or two on
another location before you go back.
During any sex session, do not expect to spend all of your time building up in one
Herculean effort to get her to climax. No one gets to the top of a mountain in one run without
stopping at several base camps along the way. There should be several planned pauses in the
action to help her reach the summit. Remember, an uncomfortably fast rhythm feels violent to a
woman, and you’ll scare her and turn her off. Slow, soothing motions are always acceptable.

There’s a lot of controversy over this zone in a woman, but most men agree that there is
a patch of the inside of her vagina that can stimulate a different kind of orgasm for her. (The
difference between clitoral orgasms and g-spot orgasms has often been described as "outside"
and "inside" orgasms.) Without drawing you an explicit diagram (there are plenty in a
bookstore’s sex section, hint-hint ...), you should feel for an area inside her, on the top of her
vaginal tract (that’s closest to you when you’re on top and she’s on her back), about three
inches in and about the size of a dime. You may have to search a while with some circular
motions of your fingertips, but you’ll get a distinct reaction from her when you find the Promised
Land. If she’s good at communicating with you, you might get her to tell you where to find it.

This isn’t rated their favorite sex act by women for nothing. Women love it. You need to
be good at it.

LoserBoy: Gotta ...
keep ... thrusting ... until
... she ... comes ...
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