The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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Whether you believe in these principles or not, you have probably experienced the
phenomenon of your energy being lost through sex. When you ejaculate, your body goes
through varied changes related to chemical releases in your brain. You get sleepy, you have an
urge to grab a smoke, or even raid the refrigerator. What is also happening is a definite loss of
will and energy.
Have you ever tried working out after a morning session with your girlfriend? I’ll bet the
results weren’t too spectacular. You probably felt a little drained and lethargic, even though you
weren’t necessarily sleepy, and definitely not at your peak performance. This loss of energy is
also consistent with losing your chi energy. On the other hand, when a man doesn’t get any
release for a week or two, he’s much more vigorous and lively. He has more energy to channel.
Masturbation releases valuable creative energy. When you’re in the process of meeting
and dating women, you need drive and motivation to practice some of these techniques, as well
as summon the will to get out there and just meet new women. It’s hard enough when you have
a decent energy level, but if you divert that energy away into self-satisfaction, you’ll be robbing
yourself of precious motivation.
Exercise your self-discipline. Yes, you need to keep from playing with yourself too much.
Chi energy gives you a great reserve of power to draw from. Also, don’t let too much build, as
too much sexual frustration can distract you from your strategies of a Dynamic Man, but find a
comfortable balance that gives you the motivation to take action, yet won’t sap your willpower.

One Last word...................................................................................................................................

Don’t be apologetic to a woman in words or attitude about sex. Sex is a shared
experience, not a transaction. Don’t ever thank her, or say anything that expresses gratitude for
her sleeping with your sorry ass. Don’t apologize either. What you did, you both did out of desire
and choice. The super Nice Guys get very weepy and grateful when a woman sleeps with them
because they think she did it out of pity or necessity. If you did it right, she got herself a big
happy out of it, too.
A man of high self-confidence knows that she didn’t sleep with him because he bought
dinner, or she was doing him a favor. If you give off that vibe of desperation you will almost
surely be put in a position of sorry supplication. The Dynamic Man acts like a man that fulfilled
her desires and laid her every bit as much as she laid you.

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