The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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APPENDIX II: TOP TEN SIGNS YOU’RE IGNORING THE PRINCIPLE OF TRUTH.............................................

From time to time, we all need a little help keeping our attitude straight, especially in the
early stages of a relationship. It’s also easy to cloud your vision with delusions along the way.
Here are some warning signs that you’re ignoring the Truth:

1) You hear her making excuses a lot, or you hear yourself asking for them.

  • If you find yourself asking a lot of “Why do you ...” type questions, or are getting
    some inconsistent vibes, you may be with someone who’s just not all that interested.
    Typically you get into these back-and-forth discussions over questioning behavior of
    hers that demonstrates a lack of interest in you. Example: You ask her why she
    doesn’t hold your hand, or kiss you on the lips, or pay attention to you at parties. She
    comes up with reasons that sound contrived and even far-fetched.
    She gives excuses because she doesn’t understand where her lack of enthusiasm
    and indifferent behavior is coming from. She has to say something to justify her
    behavior, but it doesn’t satisfy you.
    Cure: Decide if she’s really interested in you. The fault isn’t really in her behavior, but
    in yours. Remember: You can’t pester a woman into giving you what you need. Back
    off from the relationship and reassess your situation, then dump her if necessary.

2) You find yourself preoccupied wondering about who she’s with, what she’s
doing, etc.

  • You’re obsessing. You’re falling into the downward spiral of madness that will
    consume your soul.
    Cure: Go out and meet other women. You’ve become too focused on this one
    woman, and if you keep going like this, you’re going to scare her off, guaranteed.

3) You buy her things to make her feel more obligated to you, hoping that it will
get you sex.

  • You’re under the misguided perception that the only way you are valued by a
    woman is when you’re bribing her or paying her in some way. You value yourself so
    lowly as to think that she’ll only sleep with you or be seen with you if you compensate
    Cure: Stop treating her like a prostitute. Go out and get a real hooker, or start
    showing her you aren’t a gullible idiot by keeping your money in reserve, for women
    who deserve it.

4) She flirts with other guys all the time.

  • She’s probably either young, or not very secure, or both. Women who need men’s
    attention like this on a consistent basis are often the kind that stir up men’s anger
    very easily, acting just loving enough to you when you’re alone to make you happy,
    and then pushing your buttons when you’re around others. She probably either
    needs the attention from others, or is doing this to get attention from you.
    Cure: Decide if she is just a hopeless flirt, or if she’s acting out some other need for
    drama. If you suspect she’s trying to make you jealous, you need to set your foot
    down immediately. First of all, never act jealous about what she’s doing with other

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