The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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men, even if it burns you up inside. If you react to her jealousy, you’ve lost. You
simply tell her that the woman that can stay with you and share your good times
treats you as if you’re the only man around when you’re around. Period. If she wants
those good times, she will have a choice to make, now won’t she?

  1. You call her a lot, and she never calls you.

  • She could be interested, she might not. As long as you’re not calling too often, and
    you’re still going out on reasonably satisfying dates, you’re probably okay. However,
    it could be an indication of her lack of interest, and you need to find out if this is the
    case. The longer this goes on, the more you should consider it a red flag.
    Cure: If you haven’t gotten together with her many times, you need to take the onus
    of responsibility for initiating contact and asking her out. If, after a few weeks, she still
    shows very few indicators of wanting to stay in contact with you, you should severely
    scrutinize her attraction and interest in you. Some women are flaky and rarely ever
    return phone calls – even to their own family. But that doesn’t mean that you should
    accept this behavior if it is not what you desire in a dating relationship. Put your foot
    down and explain that you would like the courtesy of a return phone call when you
    leave a message for her. If you get a lot of excuses, see No. 1 above. Remember:
    Don’t argue with her nature. Instead, go out and find someone who behaves in a way
    that you find attractive and comfortable to be with.

  1. Sex is slowing down considerably.

  • This is almost always an indication of decreased interest and attraction by a woman
    because he stops doing the things that attracted her in the first place, like
    demonstrating the Three S’s. This usually happens because the man starts taking
    her for granted. Sex is a more primal drive, and she usually stops wanting it because
    some of her higher-level needs are not being met.
    Cure: You need to step up your output of the Three S’s into that magical combination
    of Challenge. Drastically. Stop taking her for granted. If you really want to keep a
    woman interested long-term, you can never let go of your Self-Confidence, your Self-
    Discipline, or your Sense of Humor. When you are challenging enough to a woman
    to keep her interest, you keep her sexually interested as well.

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