The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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When you really wanted something, you made it happen. If you don’t get what it is you
say you want, then you didn’t really want it. You were just wishing. You didn’t allow the desire to
motivate you enough.
When you tell yourself that you want to get more dates, and perhaps even a steady
girlfriend, and then see no dates and no girlfriend, the only reason you don’t get it is that you
don’t want it badly enough yet. You are where you want to be in your life right now, and
you’re doing exactly what you want to be doing. We almost always mistake wanting something
for wishful thinking, especially when it comes time to do what it takes to get it.
Knowledge will help you understand the situation, and then coupling the understanding
with motivation (wanting it enough), leads to action, and this will give you success.
So recognize that you are where you want to be, and are who you want. Accept your
current reality. Don’t tell yourself lies that it’s others holding you back, or a million other “if
only’s.” With the information here, you will know how to make that wish of making women and
dating work for you come true.

Everyone is self-made, but only the successful will admit it.

Aggressive guys get the girls. Passive guys get the scraps from their table – if anything
at all. That’s the Truth, friends and neighbors. I don’t care if that last sentence caused you to
burst into sobbing tears – it’s what you need to know. So you can whine about not wanting to
change, but you have to realize that the areas you need to change to be an Alpha Male are not
going to jeopardize your humanity, they will only improve you in ways you cannot imagine. Don’t
get depressed – get angry! Use this as motivation for positive change.
In all species, the dominant male gets to reproduce. If you aren’t willing to get out there
and take a few risks (risks that will never really hurt you, by the way), you’re telling the world
that you aren’t fit to get your DNA into the next round. “You! Out of the gene pool, right now!”
In Truth, you will be like the real you if you juice up your confidence and take charge of
your love life. Absolutely, positively, without a doubt. You are not being true to yourself if you are
not demonstrating your inherently male traits and characteristics, or hiding behind fear and

SEXUAL POWER........................................................................................................................................

There are a lot of men with strong subverted anger over the seemingly endless string of
hoops guys must jump through to get sex. This essentially comes from anger over women’s
authority and power – the ultimate say-so or say-no. If you find you have a lot of this anger, or
extreme bitterness about the process of dating to pursue sex, you’ll have to find a way to let it
go if you expect to make any long-term success in the field of meeting and dating women. This
anger is rooted in a deep-seated belief that since women control the supply, and you have the
demand, they somehow own or control you.
Nothing is further from the truth.

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