The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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Sure, if you looked like Tom Cruise, you’d get many women interested – initially. But
that’s not what makes them jump in the sack, or even sit there and listen to you drone on and on
about the Lakers game, or how Steven Spielberg has bad breath. The Truth is that you would
get more success than Tom if you emulate the qualities he demonstrates on the screen.
That is what the women are attracted to.

Everything you do will either increase or decrease a woman’s attraction for you during
the early stages of dating. This is the result you are looking to influence, and the ultimate bottom
line. From here on out, I will point out what works for and against this so that we can stay
focused on the results you want to achieve.

There are two primary desire factors a woman must have for you to be successful:
She has to trust you, and be attracted to you.

At the same time, you must be ever vigilant that she respects you.

Trust is mostly under her control, because it’s established by her criteria in advance. It’s
up to you in the early stages to establish a base of trust with her so that she will allow you to
progress from stage to stage in the Dating Continuum. Trust is her overall level of comfort being
with you. Lust (super-high attraction) will often override Trust, but Trust cannot be overlooked.
We’ll cover this in more detail later.

Attraction is not a logical or rational process, because it’s established by factors women
were born and socialized into. If you behave in accordance with the principles and strategies of
Dynamic Dating, you will automatically increase her attraction for you. There are many forms of
attraction – physical, intellectual, spiritual, emotional – but we will mostly address the elements
that comprise “chemistry” between two people: physical and emotional attraction.



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