The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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LoserBoy: What? HER? Are you crazy? She only dates men on steroids.
If you went up to her and said something dumb, or if you blank out the
way you usually do, you’d feel like a complete idiot. Even if she did talk to
you, or go on a date with you, it would just end up like the others; she’d
tell you how nice you are and that she only thinks of you as a friend. Who
needs that? C’mon, buddy, let’s get home and watch the X-files. I need a

First, let me introduce one of our Dating Dynamics characters to you. His name is
LoserBoy. LoserBoy is the part of your thoughts that is intent on keeping you a failure with
women. He has a pretty convincing arsenal of negative things to say to keep you in line, and to
keep you afraid of your own success. He’s the one talking to you when you find yourself
admiring a girl at the gym, but you don’t know how to go meet her.

Watch out! LoserBoy is well connected in your head, and if you start talking to him, he’ll
convincingly argue you out of your dreams and ambitions, and before you know it, LoserBoy will
be you. Most of the time, you don’t even hear his words, you just feel his hypnotic paralysis set
in. I’ll help you avoid LoserBoy’s influence as much as possible.

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