The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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The Nice Guy wants women to feel comfortable with him, and this is his fatal
preoccupation. He’s so concerned that he’ll be perceived as one of those “jerks” or “players,”
those lowly men, that he ends up appearing indecisive and weak. Or, even worse, he’ll take on
a woman’s personality, thinking that this is what they want in a romantic partner. He starts to
overly sympathize with women’s struggles (the “glass ceiling,” sexual harassment, etc.) and
then he starts to believe that men really are evil and the source of all violence on the planet. He
tones down his personality to avoid any kind of implication that he’s a danger.
The Truth is you don’t want a woman to feel too comfortable or at ease. You want her to
feel safe, but you also need her to feel excited. It’s this excitement that puts the passion and
romantic drive into your interactions. And Nice Guys are about as exciting as bird-watching.
Give her the right kind of danger and she’ll respond. Give her a watered-down female wannabe
and she’ll run to the hills.
I can hear some of you out there starting to weep and beat your chest.

No, they don’t.
They do want to talk to you and share some feelings, but your mistake is believing you
need to be a woman to make that work. Drop it. I know it sucks that they led you down this road,
misleading you, but that’s life. Sue Hollywood, but let’s get past it.
Let’s get one thing very clear:

Dating, is just like life – it’s not fair.

Drop all your emotional baggage, your complaining, and your negativity at the door now.
If there’s one thing women (and men) hate it’s a whiner. Accept the Truth and make it work for
You have to understand that you have nothing to be ashamed of. The Nice Guy is
ashamed of his nasty sexual urges and his desire for female accompaniment. He thinks he’s
doing something bad or wrong by seeking women to date and go to bed with. He feels like he’s
committing something dirty and shameful, and underneath he probably feels like he deserves
punishment. I’d be willing to bet it all stems back to pleasing his mommy, and I’m pretty sure it
eventually leads to kinky S&M with a dominatrix and a whip, but I’m not here to play Dr. Freud
with you. However, I am here to tell you –

It’s absolutely normal to want to have sex with women.

You don’t have to marry a woman if you sleep with her. You don’t have to worry that
you’re becoming a pervert. Women want sex just as much as men; they just have more
requirements before they do it with you, and that’s just part of the game, gentlemen. If you think
that sucks or it’s not fair... go grab a tissue and review what I said a few paragraphs ago.

“But that’s what they said they want! They want a man who’s a
friend to them like a woman, who they can talk to and share their innermost
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